Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation

So you've stumbled here because you are interested in getting your placenta encapsulated, and wanted to learn more. Let me start by saying I am a mother to 3 gorgeous boys. My first 2 I had no idea something like this even existed, but then with my 3rd son my midwife gave me information on placenta encapsulation and I am SO glad she did! 

Did I notice a difference between my first 2 and my last? HUGE... HUGE difference. 
I bounced back so quickly. I experienced no baby blues, or postpartum depression. My milk came in very quickly, and I had energy to keep up with my two older boys while taking care of my little newborn.

That's when I was hooked on the idea of placenta encapsulation and I was quick to tell all of the mamas in my social circle. I believe in placenta encapsulation and I believe in what it can do for new mothers.

What makes placenta encapsulation so helpful?
There are many nutrients that are found in the placenta including:

Oxytocin which relieves pain, helps with bonding between mother and child, and contracts the uterus to help get back to non-pregnant state.
Thyroid stimulating hormone which helps to boost the mothers energy and recovering from emotional stress.
Interferon which helps to stimulate the mother's immune system to help protect against infection.
Hemoglobin which replenishes iron and helps to prevent anemia.
Urokinase which helps to reduce postpartum bleeding.

Along with the nutrients it also helps to stimulate milk production for breastfeeding mothers.

What is the process of placenta encapsulation?
Read through Sacred Gift Service's placenta encapsulation contract and sign. (contact Jessie with any questions which may arise)​
At time of labor have birth coach contact Jessie via email or text.
Jessie will pick up the placenta at the hospital.
Capsules will be returned within 24 to 48 hours.

Want to learn more about placenta encapsulation? Email Jessie now!

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